Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear 'Daddy'...

Dear 'Daddy',

On Thursday, October 28th 1985 at 12:10 am, my mother gave birth to a beautiful indian looking little thing weighing 6 lbs 3oz with super jet black hair. You were nowhere to be found. Now its 25 years later, and you're still nowhere to be found.  I'm writing you this letter to just let you know what you have missed out on. I graduated from elementary, junior high, and high school as a straight A student. I've never been in detention, or suspended, nor have I had to repeat a grade. I learned how to ride a bike, rollerblade, and drive. I've never been hit on by any man; I don't have any children, and considering the times that we live in now, I am happy to say that I've never been pregnant, OR had a pregnancy scare, which I think is a huge success for a young woman to be turning 25. I used to look in the mirror and hate the reflection that stared back at me, because it just reminded me of you; it reminded me of all the hurt and the pain and neglect. Now I can look in the mirror and see beauty; and accept the face that I just so happened to get stuck with. I've done all I could as a daughter, and I'm not doing anything else as far as a relationship with you is concerned. I can't live my life holding onto all of this hurt, so I'm letting you go..You WILL get what is coming to you, and I will live on and prosper. I hope wherever you are, you're enjoying your happiness, because when ur pain comes, trust me it will be hell..

Sincerely Yours,


1 comment:

  1. lol thanks love..that put a smile on my face for real lol..
