I've been in a couple relationships where I met the dude online and some of them ended well and some of them ended in heartache and pain, and as of recently I've been hearing people saying that they can't, won't and just plain ol don't get the whole 'meeting people online' type thing. I personally see nothing wrong with it, because you can meet ur soul mate behind the screen or you can meet a complete asshole behind the screen. Same thing goes for meeting people the old fashioned way ie., gas station, grocery store, in the street wherever you may be. You can meet a rapist at the club and meet a complete honest and sweet person online. I just really don't get what the issue with that is, but I'd love to hear what ya'll have to say..
*Opinions are like belly buttons, everybody has one* Please be mindful :)
i'm going say yay/nay if that makes sense lol i myself have never done online dating but know ppl who have & it worked for them so i dont knock it but i prefer meeting ppl up close in "the real world"